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Top 50 Google Font Examples – How to choose fonts for your business?


When we ask what is the easiest and fastest font to access online, of course, many people will answer as Google Fonts. It has entered our lives so much that these typefaces have already taken their place on our website, in our pockets, in every text-containing area on our signboards and papers, without us noticing.

Google Font archives, which are frequently used in highly advanced design and arrangement platforms such as Canva, can work wonders when derived with appropriate combinations. In this article, we will provide information about the correct use and details for Google Fonts.

What are Google Fonts and which ones?

Google Fonts consists of 923 fonts licensed by Google and is available free as a typography library for all business and personal use. You can freely use it in any of your projects, work, home and digital platforms.


How should you choose the font?

  1. Legibility
  2. Purpose of usage
  3. Suitable Combination

Why have Google Fonts become so important?

Google Fonts are important because they allow you to communicate different tones and brand personalities using typography. The fact that there are over 900 free Google web fonts allows businesses on a budget to use different typography without needing to pay for licenses for new fonts. 

Google fonts are important because they allow you to add color to communication with different hues, brand attributes and personalization features. At this stage, choosing the one that best fits your business, budget and character among the 900+ Google Font characters may seem like a big problem. We have compiled a list to help you with this.

Most used Google Font types in 2019-202

Top 10 Google Fonts

  1. robot
  2. Open Sans
  3. Lato
  4. Oswald
  5. Slabo 27px
  6. Roboto Condensed
  7. Montserrat
  8. Source Sans Pro
  9. Raleway
  10. PT Sans


Free Google Fonts

  1. Pacifico
  2. Abril Fatface
  3. barlow
  4. Bree Serif
  5. Bonbon
  6. Ropa Sans
  7. supervisor
  8. Orbitron
  9. Zilla Slab
  10. Great Vibes

The most suitable Google Font types for your website

  1. Playfair Display
  2. Cantata One
  3. Robot Slab
  4. cardo
  5. Montserrat
  6. poppins
  7. Merriweather
  8. Lora
  9. dominate
  10. with snow

Best “Serif” Google Fonts

  1. Robot Slab
  2. Crimson Text
  3. Slabo 27px
  4. EB Garamond
  5. supervisor
  6. Neuton
  7. Zilla Slab
  8. Josefin Slab
  9. unna
  10. Abhaya Libre

Best “Sans Serif” Google Fonts

  1. robot 
  2. Ubuntu
  3. Rubik's
  4. cabin
  5. heebo
  6. notable
  7. barlow
  8. Archivo Narrow
  9. ASAP
  10. Ropa Sans

Best Google Text Fonts

  1. Indie Flower
  2. Pacifico
  3. Shadows Into Light
  4. Bonbon
  5. Amatic SC
  6. Great Vibes
  7. Architects Daughter
  8. Nothing You Could Do
  9. Reenie Beanie
  10. Sue Ellen Francisco

Best looking Google Font Types

  1. Squad One
  2. bahianiata 
  3. barriecito
  4. Mountains of Christmas
  5. lobster
  6. Abril Fatface
  7. righteous
  8. comfortaa
  9. geostar
  10. Patua One

Best Monospace character Google Fonts

  1. Roboto Mono
  2. inconsolata
  3. Source Code Pro
  4. Cousine
  5. PT Mono
  6. Nanum Gothic Coding
  7. Space Mono
  8. Anonymous Pro
  9. Cutive Mono
  10. Oxygen Mono

Best Google Fonts for Android

  1. literature
  2. Lato
  3. Montserrat
  4. Open Sans
  5. Raleway
  6. Oswald
  7. Merriweather
  8. poppins
  9. Robot Slab
  10. Playfair Display

The most suitable Google Fonts to use in logos

  1. with snow
  2. Work Sans
  3. Oswald
  4. robot
  5. Rubik's
  6. poppins
  7. cabin
  8. Montserrat
  9. chivo
  10. Lato

The most suitable Google Fonts for the web

  1. Cutive Mono
  2. cabin
  3. bitter
  4. arvo
  5. Anton
  6. notable
  7. Fjalla One
  8. mukta
  9. Varela Round
  10. Darker Grotesque

The most suitable Google Font Types for your website

  1. Montserrat
  2. Raleway
  3. robot
  4. poppins
  5. lb Franklin
  6. Source Sans Pro
  7. muli
  8. barlow
  9. exo
  10. overpass

The most suitable Google Fonts to use in Shopify systems

  1. Abril Fatface
  2. Pacifico
  3. rancho
  4. Sansita One
  5. inconsolata
  6. Anonymous Pro
  7. Fira Sans
  8. Lato
  9. Istok Web
  10. bitter

Google Fonts suitable for use on WordPress sites

  1. prompt
  2. Rokkitt
  3. Courgette
  4. allegory
  5. Old Standard TT
  6. cardo
  7. Zilla Slab
  8. Pathway Gothic One
  9. Cantarell
  10. Nanum Myeongjo

Optimal Google Font Combinations

  1. Vast Shadow – Playfair Display
  2. Montserrat – Droid Serif
  3. Oswald – Roboto
  4. Lato – Merriweather
  5. Raleway – Roboto Mono
  6. Abel – Ubuntu
  7. Proza Libre – Open Sans
  8. Rubik – Karla
  9. Bree Serif - Lora
  10. Poppins – Anonymous Pro

How to Download Google Fonts

1. Google Font website You can download the fonts you want via the (+) button. 


2. On the next screen, open the pop-up section at the bottom of the screen.


3. Then use the down arrow key (download icon).


4. Press the Download button.

5. A compressed zip file will be downloaded.

6. Open the file and open the first font.


7. Then choose the fonts you want and install them manually.

We hope that after this review article, we can take a breather in the font choices that shed your hair and make your job easier. Because if we can be helpful in minimizing the customer-artist interaction, which hurts every designer friend, and maximizing satisfaction, we will be happy.

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